Friday 5 July 2013

Soul Spelunker: Thoughts On Heidegger's Being And Time

Soul Spelunker: Thoughts On Heidegger's Being And Time
Lived experience is a concept gaining ground in mental health research. It is, however, not easy to define. In the post linked above, I found some helpful explanations of Hegel and  Heidegger's vision of 'being' in terms of organic and developmental processes. Rather than the dominant approach of subject/object division, the concept of Dasein reflects a more holistic state of being in the world. From this theoretical stance it is then possible to discuss lived experience as an investigable phenomenon and so drive forward a more humanistic approach to research, evaluation, practice and policy. This is just one of the topics I will be discussing in my upcoming book with Palgrave publishers - to be released in the near future, entitled Creativity and Social Support in Mental Health: Service Users' Views, based on my own ethnographic research along with the work of others in the field of creative therapy and mental health recovery.